Diversion and Recycling the Concrete Material
Another critical component of CWS’s system and method is our recycling efforts. CWS recycles all of the concrete washout material from jobsites where it can be used for secondary applications. Many states and other jurisdictions are requiring the construction industry to not only divert and recycle materials from the landfill but also are beginning to require the usage of recycled material on new jobs.
For example, in 1989 California enacted AB 939 in an effort to begin diverting recyclable waste materials from the ever growing landfills, which was fast becoming a national crisis. AB 939 required cities and counties and other municipalities to divert 50% of their waste from landfills by the year 2000. It is estimated that as much as 30% of the tonnage of waste stream is generated from construction and demolition. In 2002 SB 1734 was adopted in California which mandated the California Integrated Waste Management Board propose a model ordinance for municipalities to enact within their own jurisdictions to satisfy the 50% diversion requirements imposed by AB 939.
El Dorado County, California along with numerous others municipalities across the nation have enacted or will be enacting Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Ordinances that require all construction jobsites to recycle 50% of the C&D debris generated and to document it.
CWS offers a clear and distinct advantage when compared to some existing methods of containment. For example a typical washout pit using haybales and plastic will actually create more waste materials. We consider this a contaminated load since it will contain haybales, plastic, concrete and dirt and cannot be recycled, instead will have to be directed to a landfill.
A sludge box or similar system using a plastic lining material or where there is some other contaminate in the concrete load will most likely not be diverted from a landfill.